Counselors visit 10 SF Bay Area Colleges!

We had a fantastic week visiting colleges and universities around the Bay Area! Our experiential approach to college tours provided lots of hands-on experiences for the counselors from across the country guided by hosts Dr. Elizabeth Stone and Margaret Rothe (CounselMore). Highlights were the UCSF School of Dentistry where we learned how to to mix materials to make impressions (from two very enthusiastic dental students), a two-hour hike through Stanford’s Jasper Ridge environmental field station (led by a Stanford junior), and a printmaking class at the California College of the Arts! And even more visits took us to the Golden Bear ship at the California Maritime Academy, dinner with Stanford students at Hillel, visits to the UC Berkeley School of Optometry, and a meeting with the Director of Berkeley’s historic Disability Services Program - and more!

“It was a different, elevated college tour, rich with insightful information about the universities, their unique programs, and fun hands-on experiences. After experiencing the personalized and thoughtful Campanile-curated college visits, it will be hard to attend other college tours. I am so grateful for the intimate connection with other counselors, who are sure to become my lifetime colleagues and friends, and consistently pleasant support from Dr. Stone and Margaret with CounselMore. Strongly recommend to other IECs and I will join any other Campanile counselor college tours to come in the future.” - counselor from Oregon

Join us for our next Counselor Tour! Details will be posted soon.